Maintaining Your Warranty

To maintain your Warranty, regular servicing and maintenance needs to be carried out by a licensed mechanic or registered service centre in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of your chosen warranty plan.

Registering Your Service

To maintain your warranty and ensure prompt assessment in the event of a claim, please ensure you upload or forward a copy of each service invoice to NWC detailing the following information:

  • Your Name and Address
  • Vehicle Registration or Equipment VIN/Chassis Number
  • Kilometres/Hours operated at the time of service
  • Work performed
  • Your Warranty Contract Number

How To Upload A Service Invoice

Option 1: Direct to NWC Online


Please ensure you have your Warranty Contract Number and Registration Number.

Option 2: Email, Fax or Post:

Email: warranty@nwc.com.au
Fax: 03 5177 4050
Post: PO Box 159, Traralgon Victoria 3844

Please refer to your specific Warranty Product Disclosure Statement or Warranty Contract for servicing requirements and full terms and conditions.